Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Te Reo

WHAT: I have been learning Te Reo everyday and attending a Hui on Fridays.
SO WHAT: This term is 'Nga Tau' Which is days, months, years, days of the week and so on.
Some phases/Words are:
Kotahi rau.              One Hundred.
Kōanga.                   Spring 
 Rāhoroi.                  Saturday 
This month is Whiringa-ā-nuku.                This month is October 
Today the date is: Rua Tekau Ma rima. Tekau. Tekau Ma ono
NOW WHAT: I think I am doing good I think I just need to keep practising.

Athletics Post

WHAT: I participated in the kauri athletics in the 10 year old girls.
SO WHAT: Our most recent event was shot put. My first throw, I was surprised the weight of the shot put, (we practiced with a different size) My arm went slightly sideways and I didn't go to far. But my second throw, I got very very close to a flag.
NOW WHAT: Today, I want to do my best in long jump. This will be my last athletics because next year I'm leaving.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Swimming Results

What: Starfish Swimming results from the test.
So What: The two photos show my results.
Now What: I learnt how to do a forward somersault, but I did not pick it up very quickly.