Friday, 4 November 2016

Character Description

Nate from: Big Nate- Lincoln Peirce.

Nate is a middle school student. He has two best friends, Teddy and Francis. Nate dislike a rude, smart girl, Gina.  Nate is in the Cafeteria and does a quick scan of the room. He detests th the taste of egg salad. He thinks he's going to pretend to slip and drop his eggs salad on that nerd, Gina. Turns out he drops it on someone else.

Nate is the main character of the series. He is negative, but sneaky person. Instead of hours or writing good things, he does stuff like writing 4 hour long lists that has everything he dislikes.

He wears a top with a blue stripe at the top, and a yellow stripe at the bottom. His shorts are navy blue with black stripes. His shoes are very plain and boring. They look old and they're completely white. He has black hair and shiny white teeth.

In Nates spare time he writes lists of things. He eats chips or even plays Fleeceball. Nate is a captain for his Fleeceball team,

In conclusion, Nate is quite a character and he is very funny. Nate is unique with his own style. Although, he is a trouble maker!


WALT: write a description about a character 

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Literacy Week

WHAT: I have been involved in Literacy Week by: 
Finding a golden ticket. Unfortunately I did not find one.
SO WHAT: I dressed up as Conrad from Cat In The Hat. Summer was dressed up as Sally, my sister. Natalia, Bonnie and Tiara dressed up as Thing one, Thing two and thing three. Isabelle was the cat in the hat.
NO WHAT: My Asttle gaps for writing are: Vocabulary, Sentance and Spelling. Now I'd like to make sure I think closely about my story and make sure I think about my gaps and how I could improve them.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Cycle safe

What: this certificate shows I am able to ride on road alone

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Te Reo

WHAT: I have been learning Te Reo everyday and attending a Hui on Fridays.
SO WHAT: This term is 'Nga Tau' Which is days, months, years, days of the week and so on.
Some phases/Words are:
Kotahi rau.              One Hundred.
Kōanga.                   Spring 
 Rāhoroi.                  Saturday 
This month is Whiringa-ā-nuku.                This month is October 
Today the date is: Rua Tekau Ma rima. Tekau. Tekau Ma ono
NOW WHAT: I think I am doing good I think I just need to keep practising.

Athletics Post

WHAT: I participated in the kauri athletics in the 10 year old girls.
SO WHAT: Our most recent event was shot put. My first throw, I was surprised the weight of the shot put, (we practiced with a different size) My arm went slightly sideways and I didn't go to far. But my second throw, I got very very close to a flag.
NOW WHAT: Today, I want to do my best in long jump. This will be my last athletics because next year I'm leaving.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Swimming Results

What: Starfish Swimming results from the test.
So What: The two photos show my results.
Now What: I learnt how to do a forward somersault, but I did not pick it up very quickly.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Technology at Lincoln

What: We had a go at some of the technology at Lincoln. 
So what: My group was the rainbow group. We went to cooking first for 1 whole hour. We iced 3 biscuits and they were yummy but the icing was runny. We had a Morning tea break and played on the awesome playground. For 45 minutes, the awesome and amazing rainbow group went to sewing/Design. We made emoji things. I gave mine to Summer. For another 45 minutes we went to workshop. Or as some people know it as wood works. We carved wood. It is basically burning wood.
Now what: I can't wait to do technology when I go to intermediate.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Swimming, We go to starfish

What: I have been involved in swimming over the past 2 weeks.
So what: I think it was the best year ever. The only ones in my group are Summer and Isabelle. Today  was a great way to finish the classes because our instructor was SO SO SO NICE. Today she's asked us, " what do you want to do today?" Isabelle said that we should do summersults and it was easy and that's a skill I learnt. She explained how our session was basically a silly swim session. We had lots of laughs and Summer, Isabelle and I all did a belly flop while diving....oops! It didn't hurt to much. Our instructor got the big blue float thing...whatever you call it. We had to kick all the way to the end. After, we got a free ride on it. But then our instructor told us to give her a ride to the deep end, too. She told us to kick but it was funny because I was pulling it forward and walking. I could touch the bottom. 
Now what: I think I could work on keeping my chin down in summersults. 

Friday, 2 September 2016

Winter sports finished

What: I have been involved in school winter sport 2016.
So what: I was away the last game witch I believe was our best game. But the best game I played in was when we versed a school cannot remember but they were very short. I liked being defense because it was a huge strength and even Mrs Kasey knew to always/usually put me in that position.
Now what: I always wanted to Improve moving into Space.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Transitions CARE

What: we have been learning about transitions last week.
 So what: I highlighted everyone but I gave use quiet voices 2 ticks and I think most people  were working on that. I think I am really goat transitions.
Now what: I am positive that I am going to Improve in use at voices.  I gave it 2 ticks out of 3. That is my transitions post

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Maths, Measurement

What: We have been learning about measurement.
So what: Here is our measuring length task.
We went around the class to measure objects eg: highlighter: estimate, 7cm.
Actual length: 11.1cm.
Now what: I am in Mr Formans fraction group and I could improve on his div mult strategy and I'm okay at his times times strategy.

Olympic Blog Post

What: We have been learning abou the olympics.
So What: I now know that the ancient olympics stayed in Greece for a while. I found interesting that this olympics they use water bested turfs in hockey. - You could see the water it was really cool!
Now What: A sport I'd like to compete in is hockey. Just because my dad played hockey, my brother plays hockey and I'm going to play hockey. It looks fun and I like team sporting events.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Blog PMI

-I enjoy SML tasks because I can manage myself and I enjoy set tasks.
-I really like doing Chinese because I like learning about other people and their cultres.
-I like learning about Matariki and making sponge-art with paints.
-Honestly I don't like maths because I struggle a bit with multiplication and division.
-like winter sport but our team hasn't won yet. We've been close and ahead at the start of games though.
-We have been doing whakatauki writing and putting it in our own words.
-We have been learning about animals and habitats then making a collage about a New Zealand habitat, making a slideshow about it and finally promoting the idea. I made a poster.
-It's the first year I'm in a Winter Sport team.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Playground CARE

WHAT: I have been learning to manage myself in the playground.
SO WHAT: I'm good at being a caring friend because when my friend was hurt I took her to the duty teacher. I'm good at Try my best, play saftley.
NOW WHAT: I get involved a bit with PALs, but I'd Like to do it more.

Winter Sport 2016

WHAT: I have been involved in weekly winter sport in 2016
SO WHAT: I have been player of the day for my defending skills. This is why I like to be, and often put on D. (defence) I learnt it's a good idea to chase your marker and make them all tired and they will have less energy.
NOW WHAT: I would like improve On A (attack) because I'm good at shooting, but I shoot too fast during the game.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Extra Learning Opportunities in 2016

WHAT: I have been involved in learning opportunities this year.
SO WHAT: I have been involved in extra learning this year: Netball winter sport, Wet day monitors, Ukelele, ICAS exam, travis wetlands, run bike run and cross country.

Every WEDNESDAY i have ukelele and sometimes play in my group in other rooms that people from my group are in.(I've done that 2 times)

ICAS:I have recently done my 2nd ICAS exam/test. I chose to do writing. We had to write a narrative solved or unsolved. The starting sentance:'SAM TURNED THE LIGHTS OFF IMMEDIATELY'

NOW WHAT: I do get involved in PALS but I would like to do it more.

Friday, 17 June 2016


WHAT: I have been learning a range of multiplication and division strategies. SO WHAT: I have been learning about the family of facts WALT: write up the family of facts times times and division. 6 X 3=18 3 X 6=18 18 divided by 6=3 18 divided by 3=6
NOW WHAT: I want to try come up with ones that I chose.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Chinese Learning

Every Thursday we get a skype call from Bejing. Someone called Mike Li teaches us Chinese.
WALT:Learn about Chinese culture and mandarin language.
SO WHAT: this term we are learning to say Chinese foods and facts about them. I learnt to say strawberry,banana,watermelon,Apple and a few animal foods.
NOW WHAT: I want to try remember what all the marks above the letters sound like.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Ocean Habitat

WALT: Describe different habitats in New Zealand and species that live in them.
SO WHAT: I made a collage of a ocean habitat. I put a school of salmon, a green turtle and a Maui Dolphin on my poster.
NOW WHAT: I like the way I did my poster. I would not do anything differently.

Friday, 3 June 2016

WHAT: I have been involved in CARE. SO WHAT: I am good at being self aware, keeping the area clean and respect my own and others property in the cloakbay. NOW WHAT: I need to work on organizing myself quickly to go to class in the morning.

Monday, 23 May 2016


What: We have been reading about habitats.
So what: My group was reading about the desert habbitat. I learnt that some people sleep in the desert in tents called 'Yurts' made from animal skin.
Now what: I want to learn more about what people actually do on the desert. 

Friday, 1 April 2016

Run Bike Run

WHAT: I competed in the Kauri run bike run this week
SO WHAT: I was in a team with Natalia and Isabelle. I was running the first run.
NOW WHAT: If I were to do something differently, I would want to do both runs.

Monday, 14 March 2016

NZ flag referendum

WHAT: We have been learning about the NZ flag referendum. SO WHAT:I learnt that there is money for a referendum and a referendum only. NOW WHAT: I would like to learn why John Key agreed to have a referendum. I have wrote 2 speeches on this topic because I enjoy sharing my opinions, ideas and thoughts.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Personal poster

This is my personal poster. It's shows my family, hobbies, flag, CARE goal, icons and favourite subject.

2016 Next Learning Steps


Use judgment to work out personal response to what is being read. Think about the strengths and weaknesses of the text using a wide range of information.


Check correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Chose the best way to publish including computer technology, print, charts and diagrams.


Explore probability through experimenting and comparing actual results with expected results. Find perimeters, areas and volumes of shapes.